Helicopter Operations Initial Training
Course Aim
The aim and objectives of the Helideck Operations Initial Training Programme are to equip the delegate with the initial knowledge, understanding and skills required to perform the roles of Offshore Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) and Offshore Helideck Assistant (HDA) safely and effectively.
Learning Outcomes
Key parts of relevant helideck operations regulations and guidelines
Helideck physical characteristics
Helideck obstacle-free requirements
Helideck equipment and systems
Meteorological requirements for offshore helicopter operations
Typical hazards associated with offshore helideck operations.
The role and key responsibilities of the offshore HLO and HDA
Main Helideck team responsibilities and required actions, including:
30 minutes before helicopter ETA
10 minutes before helicopter ETA
Immediately before helicopter lands
After landing: rotors running turnaround
After landing - engines shut down and rotors not running
Helicopter tie-down, engine blanks and covers fitted
Helicopter start-up
The structure and terms in a typical pre-flight weather report and floating installation (or vessel) data required by helicopter pilot.
Typical Helideck team requirements for Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs).
Correct use of handheld radios and radio checks, complying with radio communications protocol and correct use of appropriate hand signals if radio communications are ineffective
Helideck checks for contamination, debris or damage before and after take-off.
Communication checks, checking helideck equipment status, safety nets, security and stowage of helideck equipment.
Helideck team brief prior to helicopter landing at appropriate times during helicopter operations.
Wearing of appropriate PPE during helicopter operations
Ensure helideck team are in required locations during helicopter operations.
Participate in the use of handheld radios and radio checks
Conduct and respond to required helideck protocols during helicopter operations, to include: safe-to-approach, helicopter anti-collision lights switched off and ‘thumbs-up’ from pilot (as agreed by operating company).
Check passenger and freight manifests.
As HLO, effectively supervise HDAs during passenger, freight and baggage handling
Under direction from the HLO:
Loading, unloading and securing of life saving equipment
Load and unload passenger baggage correctly
Load and unload helicopter freight correctly – using correct manual handling techniques and within helicopter freight loading limitations and requirements.
Identify dangerous goods during helicopter loading and unloading
Assist with passenger safe egress and access on the helideck, to and from the helicopter
Comply with helideck protocols and procedures during helicopter operations
Comply with helicopter danger areas rules.
Delegates will be assessed against the learning outcomes using direct observation and oral and/or written questions as appropriate. Debriefs must be conducted with participating delegates on the completion of practical exercises.
Delegate pre-requisites:
As a minimum, delegates must complete an IATA, HCA, CAA or state aviation approved dangerous goods awareness training course.
The Helideck Operations Initial Training Certificate has no formal expiry date.