To give all those seeking updating training certification for fire prevention and firefighting the essential education and training set out in Table A-VI/1-2.
Learning outcomes
The learner is able to maintain the required standard of competence in fire
prevention and fire fighting
Correctly use portable and mobile (wheeled) fire extinguishers on appropriate fire types
Correctly use hoses, nozzles and hose equipment, including
Different types and sizes of hose and their connections
Different types of nozzle
Nozzle maintenance and stowage requirements
Use of foam-making equipment.
Extinguish different types of fi res as a member of a team using a range of equipment commonly found on board, including
Fires with foam, powder or any other suitable chemical agent
Confined area fire with water fog applicator;
Oil fire with dry chemical powder/foam applicators
Extensive fires with water using jet/spray nozzles
Test and use BA and associated equipment, covering
Principles of operation of typical BA equipment
Equipment checks on start-up and use;
Gauge checks, correct team working and communication
Safe procedures (door opening, ladder use, search procedures, rescue techniques and evacuation procedures) in reduced visibility/foam
Casualty rescue (using a dummy), communication and team work in a smoke-filled environment
Fighting fire in an accommodation or engine room area in heavy smoke.
Assessment must be through demonstration and examination, and show that they meet the competences stipulated.
The assessment system, methods and practice must be valid, reliable and authentic.
Seafarers who have six months or more sea service prior to 1 August 1998 and were exempt from basic safety courses
Seafarers who have a certificate of proficiency in fire prevention and firefighting. NB – certificates of proficiency issued under the authority of other administrations will be acceptable.